Digital Scanning


What is digital oral scanning?

What is digital oral scanning?

  • Oral scanning means we no longer take impressions of your mouth the old way using trays and messy putty, which some patients don’t like.
  • Our 3D scanning and other digital dentistry facilities mean you won’t find any gooey dental putty in our clinic. We create impressions without making you feel uncomfortable.
  • The scanner creates highly accurate, interactive, high-resolution 3D colour images of your teeth and surrounding structures.
  • You can breathe and swallow normally, and even pause the process at any point.

Smile Design and Digital Scanning

See your new smile before orthodontic treatment starts

The advanced technology of digital scanning can also create a digital image of what your smile may look like at the end of your treatment – so you have an idea of what your teeth could look like following orthodontic treatment with us.

Experience accurate simulation and visualisation of your new smile before your treatment even starts.

Digital scanning and Invisalign

To start you on your Invisalign journey to a beautiful new smile, here at The Specialist Orthodontic Practice in Epping we use the latest digital technology. Our high-precision digital scanner is able to create 100% accurate images of your teeth and surrounding structures and offer the following benefits:

  • Your Invisalign aligners are made using the digitally scanned impressions and are individually manufactured to a high level of accuracy to perfectly fit your teeth and gums. As a result they are more comfortable.
  • Digital scanning accurately tracks the progress of your Invisalign® aligner treatment.
  • It’s efficient, cleaner and more pleasant than traditional impressions making the process a much more positive patient experience.
Digital scanning and Invisalign

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